Roni Gamzon



Roni Gamzon

#51 most read in

 Sustainable Lifestyle

Roni Gamzon is the Co-founder and Chief Commercial Officer at BioFluff (SAVIAN) in Paris, a biomaterials startup producing the worlds first 100% plant-based alternative to fur, shearling, and plush. She is also a Consultant at Diana Balogh Consulting, advising luxury jewelry brands and major corporations on innovation and circularity strategies for a more sustainable industry. 

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Decarbonizing the Music Industry: Music to your Ears!

The MUSIC X CLIMATE initiative, to be launched on Feb. 28 in an online event, aims to transform the music industry's impact. illuminem’s Data Hub™ will concurrently unveil the state of decarbonization in the music world

A wooden table with a typewriter, glasses, notebook, and pen placed on top.

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