Nic Gorini



Nic Gorini

#54 most read in

 Sustainable Lifestyle

Nic Gorini is the Managing Partner of Spin Ventures, a London‑based firm investing in pre‑seed to Series A climate‑tech startups. Spin Ventures currently focuses on transformative B2B solutions that drive decarbonization and circularity in the global consumer and retail industry, investing in areas such as bio‑based materials, recycling technologies, SaaS platforms, and recommerce. Leveraging Spin Ventures’ proprietary House of Circularity platform, Nic Gorini facilitates early access to innovative technologies, corporate pilot validation, and strategic partnerships, ensuring both environmental impact and financial returns.

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Decarbonizing the Music Industry: Music to your Ears!

The MUSIC X CLIMATE initiative, to be launched on Feb. 28 in an online event, aims to transform the music industry's impact. illuminem’s Data Hub™ will concurrently unveil the state of decarbonization in the music world

A wooden table with a typewriter, glasses, notebook, and pen placed on top.

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