Clare Lichfield



Clare Lichfield

#52 most read in

 Sustainable Lifestyle

Clare Lichfield is the Co-Founder of Sequinova, a London‑based venture developing biodegradable and eco‑friendly sparkle solutions at scale. She is also the Founder of Bodici, an end‑to‑end fashtech enterprise pioneering the fusion of couture and technology in women's clothing through innovative product developments, a state‑of‑the‑art microfactory, and exclusive proprietary biomaterials. Previously, she held fashion buying roles at John Lewis Partnership and Primark.

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Decarbonizing the Music Industry: Music to your Ears!

The MUSIC X CLIMATE initiative, to be launched on Feb. 28 in an online event, aims to transform the music industry's impact. illuminem’s Data Hub™ will concurrently unveil the state of decarbonization in the music world

A wooden table with a typewriter, glasses, notebook, and pen placed on top.

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